Serve these eggplant stacks as an elegant appetizer, for lunch, or even as a light dinner. There are many variations out there, most of them Italian-inspired....
This recipe is from years of searching for the perfect English tea sandwich. I always looked forward to tea time in the Caribbean with my grandparents...
Refreshing and delicious appetizer. I've had friends make this with bottled zesty Italian dressing or the dry packaged dressing. People love it either...
Wonton cups are filled with a flavorful cheese and sausage mixture, then baked. Topped with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkling of green onions, these...
Not sure where this originated from, but I always get plenty of compliments when I make this easy and delicious appetizer! These can be frozen after being...
Shrimp served with a limoncello sauce over toasted baguettes. I have also doubled the recipe (all but the shrimp) and poured it over pasta or white rice...
This is a wonderful way to liven up those summer squashes. Slices are grilled with a seasoned bread crumb coating and then served with a dollop of sauce...
This super simple appetizer is sure to make a statement at your next gathering. The flavors meld so beautifully and the presentation on the platter is...
When I saw avocado and ricotta cheese being combined on a menu recently, I was intrigued. Not enough to order it, but enough to buy the ingredients for...
My girls and I like to have these for our tea parties. I've also served these for a bridal shower. They are a dainty and wonderful treat for any special...
Two types of bread, ham and salami are layered with a mustard butter and frosted with cream cheese, curry powder and almonds to create a fun, delicious...
I went to a cooking class to learn how to make the fennel. I added the sauteed shrimp and crackers to it one night for a party and everyone there was loving...
Broiled oysters are elevated from southern backyard fare to upscale appetizers that still call for licking your fingers afterwards. You can use plain oysters...
Golden polenta slices are topped with homemade pesto, prosciutto, and roasted red peppers in this yummy appetizer prepared in a Panasonic CIO. This recipe...
Crackers are the foundation for this simple but irresistible mixture of tuna, pecans and pineapple delicately spiced with curry. I use this recipe when...
Traditional Italian caprese salad on lightly-toasted bread. It makes a quick and easy supper for 4 or appetizers for 14. Fresh ingredients are key to this...
For me, this is summer on a slice of bread. August is national goat cheese month (no, I don't know who decides these things), and what better way to enjoy...
This is a wonderful appetizer, popular and in demand at any type of party. You can substitute the cocktail rye bread for sliced baguettes. I can't have...
For this to work as a savory bite, the chocolate must be very dark, bittersweet, and world-class. Look for names that are hard to pronounce. Labels with...
This is a quick and easy snack that is both healthy and tasty. Simply prepare tuna the way you like it, cut a large carrot into thin slices, and use the...
Reduced fat ingredients make this yummy bruschetta especially loveable. Swiss cheese and onions lend their distinctive flavors to appetizers that are impossible...
This is a little experiment I made that wound up being a total hit at a company party. I really just started throwing stuff together that sounded good...
These are a bit different in concept than your average tossed salad crouton. In this case I wanted something crispy and crunchy, with a nice nuttiness...